Articles about Gandhi Jayanti-International Nonviolence Day Celebration and other events
- 19th Annual Mahatma Gandhi Day and International Day of Nonviolence, Senator Mike Gabbard Newsletter, October, 2024, Vol. 18, Issue 10
- The call for kindness, Peace in troubled times, Midweek, dt. 23.10.2024
- Photographs - Celebration of 19th Annual Mahatma Gandhi Day, October 2, 2024.
- Reinauguration of damaged statue to mark Gandhi Day, Honolulu Star-Advertiser, October 2, 2024
- Celebrate A Day Of Nonviolence On Wednesday, Honolulu Civil Beat, September 30, 2024
- Certificate from the Hawaii Senate
- Certificate from the House
- Proclamation from Honolulu Mayor, Rick Blangiardi
- Proclamation from Hon'ble. Dr. Josh Green, M.D., Governor, State of Hawaii
- Gandhi International Institute for Peace calls for World Peace, NRI Press, California, September 09, 2024.
- 2 October 2024, Mahatma Gandhi Day Program - Download Flyer
- Toppled Gandhi statue restored to Waikiki corner, Honolulu Star-Advertiser, July 20, 2024
- Mahatma Gandhi Day event held in Hawaii on October 1, 2023, Senator Mike Gabbard, October, 2023, Vol. 17, Issue 10
- Sun Yoga Hawaii celebrates International Gandhi Day
- Photographs - Celebration of 18th Annual Mahatma Gandhi Day, October 1, 2023.
- Certificate from the Hawaii Senate
- Certificate from the House
- 18th annual Mahatma Gandhi Day celebrates global peace in Hawaii, Hawaii News Now, October 2, 2023
- Proclamation from Honolulu Mayor, Rick Blangiardi
- Toppled Waikiki Gandhi statue prompts concern amid acts of vandalism, Honolulu Star-Advertiser, September 24, 2023
- What Really Happened To The Mahatma Gandhi Statue In Hawaii, IndiaWest Journal, September 14, 2023
- 18th annual event to commemorate 154th birthday of Mahatma Gandhi and to celebrate International Day of Nonviolence in Hawaii on Sunday, October 1, 2023, NRIpress, September 05, 2023
- Proclamation from Hon'ble. Josh Green, M.D., Governor, State of Hawaii
- 1 October 2023, Mahatma Gandhi Day Program - Download Flyer
- Proclamation from Hon. David Y. Ige, Governor, State of Hawaii
- Proclamation from Honolulu Mayor, Rick Blangiardi
- Certificate from the Hawaii Senate
- Certificate from the House
- The Gandhi International Institute For Peace Lokvani, September 15, 2022
- The Gandhi International Institute for Peace will host a virtual program to commemorate the 153rd birthday of Mahatma Gandhi on Sunday October 2, 2022 NRIInternet, September 13, 2022
- Indian Ambassador to US and Navy officials from Ship INS Satpura honored Mahatma Gandhi in Honolulu Hawaii, July 13, 2022
- India’s ambassador to US, Navy officials visit Mahatma Gandhi statue in Waikiki HawaiiNewsNow, July 10, 2022
- Indian leaders drape lei on Mahatma Gandhi statue KHON2, July 10, 2022
- Indian Defense Minister, Rajnath Singh, paid visit to Mahatma Gandhi statue in Waikiki, Honolulu, April 19, 2022
- Statement from GIIP about invasion in Ukraine
- Video - A Virtual program on Mahatma Gandhi Day in Honolulu on October 2, 2021.
- Mahatma Gandhi’s 152nd Birth Anniversary Celebrated Across U.S. with Events Honoring His Legacy INDIAWEST, October 5, 2021
- Video - Tushar Gandhi's speech on Mahatma Gandhi Day, October 2, 2021.
- Photographs - Spiritual prayer and lei ceremony by the GIIP board members in Honolulu, USA on October 2, 2021.
- International Day of Non-violence and Mahatma Gandhi Celebration, a newsletter of Senator Mike Gabbard, The Senate State Capitol, Hawaii, Honolulu, October 1, 2021
- Gandhi Day to be feted with virtual program, Star Advertiser, dt. 1.10.2021
- GIIP Mahatma Gandhi Day program Midweek, dt. 22.9.2021
- Proclamation from Honolulu Mayor, Rick Blangiardi
- Proclamation from Hon. David Y. ige, Governor, State of Hawaii
- Certificate from The Senate
- Certificate from the House
- The message from US Senator Mazie K Hirono
- The message from US Senator Brian Schatz
- The message from Congressman, Ed Case, Hawai'i
- Mahatma Gandhi Day event in Hawaii on October 2, 2021, NRI Press, dt. 17.9.2021
- 2 October 2021, Mahatma Gandhi Day Program - Download Flyer
- Donations sought for COVID-I9 crisis in India, Honolulu Star-Advertiser, dt. 24.5.2021
(All funds will be used to ship donated items and for financial aid to New Delhi and the states of Goa, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh.)
- Mahatma’s Non-Violence: Essence of Culture of Peace for New Humanity - by Hon. Anwarull Chowdhury, Washington D.C.
- Video - Interfaith prayer to commemorate 'Pearl Harbor Day' when the Japanese dropped bomb on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii (held on December 8, 2020).
- The message from Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar
- The message from the UN Secretary-General António Guterres
- The message from US Senator Brian Schatz
- International Day of Non-violence: Goa CM to speak at International Webinar
- The message from the US Representative, Tulsi Gabbard
- The message from Congressman, Ed Case, Hawai'i
- Proclamation from Hon. David Y. ige, Governor, State of Hawaii
- Proclamation from Honolulu Mayor, Kirk Caldwell
- Certificate from The Senate
- Certificate from the House
- Messages form U.S. Senators, Mazie K. Hirono
- Celebration of Mahatma Gandhi Day (Photo Gallery on Facebook)
- Message from Congresswoman, Tulsi Gabbard from Washington
- Proclamation from Hon. David Y. ige, Governor, State of Hawaii
- Proclamation from Honolulu Mayor, Kirk Caldwell
- Certificate from the Senate
- Certificate from the House
- Raj Kumar's interview in MidWeek, dt. 16th October 2019
- Celebrating Magnificence: Raj Kumar – Peace Activist
- 150th Mahatma Gandhi Day celebration
- International Peace Celebration in Honolulu on September 21, 2019 (Photo Gallery)
- Gandhi Jayanti celebration photos
- Article published in newsletter of Senator Mike Gabbard
- Message from UN Secretary General
- Certificate from U. S. Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard
- Proclamation from the Governor of Hawaii
- Proclamation from Honolulu Mayor, Kirk Caldwell
- Certificate from the Hawaii Senate
- Certificate from the House
- Messages form U.S. Senators, Mazie K. Hirono
- Senator Certificate 2017
- Certificate from 'Council of the City and County of Honolulu'
- Governor Proclamations 2017
- Proclamations 2017
- Messages from U.S. Senators, Congresswoman Colleen Hanabusa
- Message from U.S.Senator Brian Schatz
- Message from Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard
- Gandhi institute to hold annual peace ceremony, Star Avertiser, dt. 30.09.2017
- Celebrating Mahatma Gandhi Day,, dt.28.09.2017
- PHOTO GALLERY - 2nd October 2016 - Gandhi Jayanti Celebration
- 11th Annual Mahatma Gandhi Day Celebrated in Hawaii
- Certificate from 'The Hawaii State Legislature'
- Proclamation 2016
- A Message from U.S. Representative Tulsi Gabbard
- KITV news coverage for 2nd October 2016 - Gandhi Jayanti Celebration
- Hawaii GIIP hosts 11th Annual Mahatma Gandhi Day Celebration
- Certificate from 'Council of the City and County of Honolulu
- Governor Proclamation 2016
- Give Peace A Chance, MidWeek, 28.09.2016
- Nonprofit to celebrate birth of Gandhi
- Letter to the Editor about gun violence in Florida
- Hawaii LGBT community attended vigil for mass shooting in Florida and remembered Mahatma Gandhi
- GIIP hosts 10th Annual Gandhi Jayanti celebration in Hawaii
- A Message U.S. Representative Tulsi Gabbard, Congresswoman, Congress of the United States in celebration of Hawaii Inaugural 'Mohandas K. Gandhi Day' and International Non-violence Day
- A Message from U.S. Senator Brian Schatz on October 2, 2015
- Honors and commends by The State of the Twenty-seventh Legislature of the State of Hawaii
- Proclamations 2015
- Hawaii prepares for First Annual Gandhi Day on Oct. 2, 2015
- Gandhi Jayanti in Honolulu Nei
- Proclamations 2014
- Honors and commends by The State of the Twenty-seventh Legislature of the State of Hawaii
- Certificate from 'Council of the City and County of Honolulu' for commemorating 'The 9th International Day of Nonviolence & 145th Birthday Celebration of Mahatma Gandhi -October 2, 2014
- Message from U.S. Senator Brian Schatz for Mahatma Gandhi Day event held in Honolulu on October 2, 2014
- Special Message from Governor Neil Abercrombie
- Proclamation 2012
- ISKCON Hawaii Holds Memorial for Sikh Temple Shooting
- Splendid Gandhi Jayanthi Celebration in Hawaii (2012)
- Event celebrates Gandhi's life, nonviolence
- Celebration of International Day of Nonviolence in Honolulu
- Wisconsin Sikh Temple Shooting A Crime Against All Religions: Aug 22, 2012
- Article of Dr. Raj Kumar in the StarAvertiser: Isle Sikh follower decries carnage in Wisconsin, Aug 05, 2012
- Message from The Secretary General of United Nations, on the first observance of the International Day of Non-violence, October 2, 2007
- Create Peace inside yourself and the World might follow - Honolulu-Star Bulletin, September 29, 2007
- Teach our children to respect all religions of the World - The Honolulu Advertiser, February 3, 2007i